Walkthrough Advanced: Customize Your Website

Apply your own styles to the website or PDF

Export the default template

To export the default HTML template, open the command line at the root of the directory and run docfx template export default.

A folder called _exported_templates is added at root with a directory inside called default. This is the DocFX default HTML template.

To export the default PDF template, run docfx template export pdf.default.

Create a new template

Create a new directory at root to hold your custom templates - name it something like templates. Inside that folder, create a new folder and name it whatever you want to name your custom template. In this folder you'll replicate files from _exported_templates/default or _exported_templates/pdf.default (and only those files) you want to overwrite.

Apply the template

To apply your custom HTML template permanently, add the following to docfx.json at the root of the project inside "build": {:

    "template": [
      "templates/<name of your your HTML template folder>"

To apply your custom PDF template permanently, add the following at the same level as "content" under "pdf":

    "template": [

To apply a template manually, append a -t with the template filepath to the build command:

docfx build docfx.json -t C:\<filepath>\templates\<your custom template folder> --serve

Customize your template

Inside the _exported_templates/default or exported_templates/pdf.default folder, copy any file you want to overwrite with your custom template. Paste it in your custom template folder, replicating the directory structure.

For example, to change the copyright in the footer of the HTML template:

To change the CSS of the HTML or PDF template:

Example of changing heading styles in main.css for an HTML template:

article h1 {
  font-size: 40px;
  font-weight: 300;
  margin-top: 40px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  color: #000000;

Example of preventing words from breaking across lines for an HTML template:

article h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  word-break: keep-all;

Example of changing heading styles for a PDF template:

h1 {
    font-weight: 200;
    color: #007bb8;

To change the look of the table of contents in the PDF template, use this file: _exported_templates/default/toc.html.tmpl

See a list of all your templates

docfx template list

See template commands

docfx help template