How-to: Filter Out Unwanted APIs or Attributes

A filter configuration file is in YAML format. You may filter out unwanted APIs or attributes by providing a filter configuration file and specifying its path.

Specifying the filter configuration file path

The path of the configuration file is specified in the following two ways. Option 1 could overwrite option 2.

  1. docfx.exe metadata command argument.

    docfx.exe metadata --filter <path relative to baseDir or absolutepath>

  2. docfx.json metadata section filter property.


      "metadata": [
          "src": [
              "files": [
              "exclude": [
          "dest": "obj/api",
          "filter": "filterConfig.yml"

DocFX has a default filter configuration. If the user doesn't specify the filter configuration file path, default filter configuration would be used. Otherwise, user provided filter configuration would merge with the default one. If there is a conflict, user specified would overwrite the default one.

The format of the filter configuration file

1. API Filter Rules

To filter out APIs, you could specify apiRules with a list of exclude or include rules.


The rules would be executed sequentially and the matching process would stop once one rule is matched. Namely, you need to put the most detailed rule in the top. If no rule is matched the API would be included by default.

1) exclude or include APIs by matching their uid with the Regex uidRegex.

The sample below excludes all APIs whose uids start with 'Microsoft.DevDiv' except those that start with 'Microsoft.DevDiv.SpecialCase'.

  - include:
      uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.DevDiv\.SpecialCase
  - exclude:
      uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.DevDiv

2) exclude or include APIs by matching its type, this is often combined with uidRegex.

Supported type:


Type could be Class, Struct, Enum, Interface, or Delegate. Member could be Event, Field, Method, or Property.

Namespace is flattened. Namely, excluding namespace 'A.B' has nothing to do with namespace 'A.B.C'.


If a namespace is excluded, all types/members defined in the namespace would also be excluded. If a type is excluded, all members defined in the type would also be excluded.

The below sample would exclude all APIs whose uid starts with 'Microsoft.DevDiv' and type is Type, namely Class, Struct, Enum, Interface, or Delegate.

  - exclude:
      uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.DevDiv
      type: Type

3) exclude or include APIs by containing matched attributes.

You can specify an attribute by its uid, ctorArguments and ctorNamedArguments.


ctorArguments requires a full match of the attribute's constructor arguments, while ctorNamedArguments supports a partial match. Namely, ctorArguments should contain all the arguments while ctorNamedArguments could contain a subset of the named arguments.

The sample below excludes all APIs which have EditorBrowsableAttribute and its constructor argument is EditorBrowsableState.Never.

  - exclude:
        uid: System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute
        - System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never

The sample below excludes all APIs which have AttributeUsageAttribute and its constructor argument is AttributeTargets.Class and its constructor has named argument [Inherited] = true

  - exclude:
      uid: System.AttributeUsageAttribute
      - System.AttributeTargets.Class
        Inherited: "true"

A complete Sample of the filter configuration file for filtering out APIs follows:

- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.TeamFoundation\.WorkItemTracking\.Proxy\.IRowSetsNative$
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.TeamFoundation\.WorkItemTracking\.Proxy\.MetadataRowSetsNative$
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.TeamFoundation\.WorkItemTracking\.Proxy\.RowSet\.Columns.*$
    type: Member
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^Microsoft\.TeamFoundation\.WorkItemTracking\.Proxy\.RowSetColumn\.Name.*$
    type: Member
- exclude:
      uid: System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute
      - System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never

2. Attribute Filter Rules

To filter out Attributes, you could specify attributeRules with a list of exclude or include rules.

The rules are similar to API filter. Please refer to API Filter Rules section.

3. Default Filter Configuration

- exclude:
      uid: System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute
      - System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.ComponentModel\.Design$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.ComponentModel\.Design\.Serialization$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Xml\.Serialization$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Web\.Compilation$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Runtime\.Versioning$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Runtime\.ConstrainedExecution$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.EnterpriseServices$
    type: Namespace
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Diagnostics\.CodeAnalysis$
    type: Namespace
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Diagnostics\.(ConditionalAttribute|EventLogPermissionAttribute|PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute)$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.Diagnostics\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.ComponentModel\.(BindableAttribute|BrowsableAttribute|ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute|DataObjectAttribute|DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute|ListBindableAttribute|LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute|SettingsBindableAttribute|TypeConverterAttribute)$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.ComponentModel\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Reflection\.DefaultMemberAttribute$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: ^System\.CodeDom\.Compiler\.GeneratedCodeAttribute$
    type: Type
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Runtime\.CompilerServices\.ExtensionAttribute$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.Runtime\.CompilerServices\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Runtime\.InteropServices\.(ComVisibleAttribute|GuidAttribute|ClassInterfaceAttribute|InterfaceTypeAttribute)$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.Runtime\.InteropServices\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Security\.(SecurityCriticalAttribute|SecurityTreatAsSafeAttribute|AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute)$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.Security\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Web\.UI\.(ControlValuePropertyAttribute|PersistenceModeAttribute|ValidationPropertyAttribute|WebResourceAttribute|TemplateContainerAttribute|ThemeableAttribute|TemplateInstanceAttribute)$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.Web\.UI\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type
- include:
    uidRegex: ^System\.Windows\.Markup\.(ConstructorArgumentAttribute|DesignerSerializationOptionsAttribute|ValueSerializerAttribute|XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute|XmlnsDefinitionAttribute|XmlnsPrefixAttribute)$
    type: Type
- exclude:
    uidRegex: '^System\.Windows\.Markup\.[^.]+$'
    type: Type