Doc-as-Code: Metadata Format Specification

0. Introduction

0.1 Goals and Non-goals

  1. The goal of this document is to define a general format to describe language metadata for programming languages.
  2. The language metadata is designed to be language agnostic and support multiple programming language in a single metadata file.
  3. The main user scenario for language metadata is to generate reference documentation, so this document will discuss how to optimize metadata format for documentation rendering.
  4. This document does NOT discuss details of metadata format implementation of a specific programming language.

0.2 Terminology

The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Words in italic indicate they are terms previously defined in this document.

1. Items and Identifiers

1.1 Items

Item is the basic unit of metadata format. From a documentation perspective, each item represents a "section" in the reference documentation. This "section" is the minimum unit that you can cross reference to, or customize in layout and content.

When implementing the metadata format for your own language, you can decide which elements are items. For example, usually namespaces, classes, and methods are items. However, you can also make smaller elements such as parameters be items if you want them to be referenceable and customizable.

Items can be hierarchical. One item can have other items as children. For example, in C#, namespaces and classes can have classes and/or methods as children.

1.2 Identifiers

Each item has an identifier (ID) which is unique under its parent.

As we're targeting to support multiple languages, there are no restrictions as to which characters are not allowed in identifiers. However, to make identifiers easier to recognize and resolve in Markdown, it's not RECOMMENDED to have whitespaces in identifiers. Markdown processor MAY implement some algorithm to tolerate whitespaces in handwritten Markdown. (Leading and trailing spaces MUST be removed from identifier.)

Identifier MUST be treated as case-sensitive when comparing equality.

Each item has a unique identifier (UID) which is globally unique. A UID is defined as follows:

  1. If an item does not have a parent, its UID is its ID.
  2. Otherwise, its UID is the combination of the UID of its parent, a separator and the ID of the item itself.

Valid separators are ., :, / and \.

For example, for a class String under namespace System, its ID is String and UID is System.String.

Given the above definition, an item's UID MUST starts with the UID of its parent (and any of its ancestors) and ends with the ID of itself. This is useful to quickly determine whether an item is under another item.

1.3 Alias

Identifier could be very long, which makes it difficult to write by hand in Markdown. For example, it's easy to create a long ID in C# like this:


We can create short alias for items so that they can be referenced easily.

Alias is same as ID, except:

  1. It doesn't have to be unique.
  2. One item can have multiple aliases.

It's not RECOMMENDED to create an alias that has nothing to do with an item's ID. Usually an item's alias is part of its ID so it's easy to recognize and memorize.
For example, for the case above, we usually create an alias Format().

We can easily get a "global" alias for an item by replacing the ID part of its UID with its alias.

2. File Structure

2.1 File Format

You can use any file format that can represent structural data to store metadata. However, we recommend using YAML or JSON. In this document, we use YAML in examples, but all YAML can be converted to JSON easily.

2.2 File Layout

A metadata file consists of two parts: An "item" section and a "reference" section. Each section is a list of objects and each object is a key-value pair (hereafter referred to as "property") list that represents an item.

2.3 Item Section

Though items can be hierarchical, they are flat in an item section. Instead, each item has a "children" property indicating its children and a "parent" property indicating its parent.

An item object has some basic properties:

Property Description
uid REQUIRED. The unique identifier of the item.
children OPTIONAL. A list of UIDs of the item's children. Can be omitted if there are no children.
parent OPTIONAL. The UID of the item's parent. If omitted, metadata parser will try to figure out its parent from the children information of other items within the same file.

Here is an example of a YAML format metadata file for C# Object class:

- uid: System.Object
  parent: System
  - System.Object.Object()
  - System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
  - System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
  - System.Object.Finalize()
  - System.Object.GetHashCode()
  - System.Object.GetType()
  - System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
  - System.Object.ReferenceEquals()
  - System.Object.ToString()
- uid: System.Object.Object()
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.Finalize()
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.GetHashCode()
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.GetType()
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.ReferenceEquals()
  parent: System.Object
- uid: System.Object.ToString()
  parent: System.Object

Items SHOULD be organized based upon how they will display in documentation. For example, if you want all members of a class be displayed in a single page, put all members in a single metadata file.

2.3 Item Object

In additional to the properties listed in last section, item object also has some OPTIONAL properties:

Property Description
id The identifier of the item.
alias A list of aliases of the item.
name The display name of the item.
fullName The full display name of the item. In programming languages, it's usually the full qualified name.
type The type of the item, such as class, method, etc.
url If it's a relative URL, then it's another metadata file that defines the item. If it's an absolute URL, it means the item is coming from an external library, and the URL is the documentation page of this item. If omitted, the URL is the location of the current file.
source The source code information of the item. It's an object that contains following properties:
1. repo: the remote Git repository of the source code.
2. branch: the branch of the source code.
3. revision: the Git revision of the source code.
4. path: the path to the source code file where the item is defined.
5. startLine: the start line of the item definition.
6. endLine: the end line of the item definition.

Here is an example of a C# Dictionary class:

- uid: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2
  id: Dictionary`2
  - Dictionary
  parent: System.Collections.Generic
  name: Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
  fullName: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
  type: class
  url: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.yml
    branch: master
    revision: 5ed47001acfb284a301260271f7d36d2bb014432
    path: src/system/collections/generic/dictionary.cs
    startLine: 1
    endLine: 100

2.4 Custom Properties

Besides the predefined properties, item can have its own properties. One restriction is property name MUST NOT contains dots, as dot in property name will have special meaning (described in later section).

2.5 Reference Section

The reference section also contains a list of items. These items serve as the references to items in the item section and won't show up in documentation. Also, a reference item doesn't need to have full properties, it just contains necessary information needed by its referrer (for example, name or URL).

In metadata file, all items MUST be referenced by UID.

It's RECOMMENDED to include all referenced items in reference section. This makes the file self-contained and easy to render at runtime.

Many programming languages have the concept of "template instantiation". For example, in C#, you can create a new type List<int> from List<T> with argument int. You can create a reference for "template instances". For example, for a class inherited from List<int>:

- uid: NumberList
  - System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32>
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.Int32>
  link: @"System.Collections.Generic.List`1"<@"System.Int32">
- uid: System.Collections.Generic.List`1
  name: List
  url: system.collections.generic.list`1.yml
- uid: System.Int32
  name: int
  url: system.int32.yml

2.6 Multiple Language Support

An item may need to support multiple languages. For example, in .NET, a class can be used in C#, VB, managed C++ and F#. Different languages may have differences in properties. For example, a list of string is displayed as List<string> in C#, while List(Of string) in VB.

To support this scenario, we introduce a concept of language context to allow defining different property values in different languages.

If a property name is in the form of property_name.language_name, it defines the value of property_name under language_name. For example:

- uid: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2
  name.csharp: Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
  name.vb: Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue)

This means the name of dictionary is Dictionary<TKey, TValue> in C# and Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue) in VB.

The following properties SHALL NOT be overridden in language context: uid, id, alias, children, and parent.

3. Work with Metadata in Markdown

3.1 YAML Metadata Section

In a Markdown file, you can also define items using the same metadata syntax. The metadata definition MUST be in YAML format and enclosed by triple-dash lines (---). Here is an example:

uid: System.String
summary: String class

This is a **string** class.

You can have multiple YAML sections inside a single Markdown file, but in a single YAML section, there MUST be only one item.

The YAML metadata section does not have to contain all properties. The only property that MUST appear is "uid", which is used to match the same item in metadata file.

The most common scenario for using YAML section is to specify which item the markdown doc belongs to. But you can also overwrite item property by defining one with the same name in YAML section. In the above example, the property "summary" will overwrite the same one in metadata.

As with language context, the following properties SHALL NOT be overridden: uid, id, alias, children, and parent.

You SHALL NOT define new item in Markdown.

3.2 Reference Items in Markdown

To cross reference an item, you can use URI with xref scheme. You can either use standard link or automatic link with the above URI. For example, to cross reference System.String:



Since item reference is a URI, special characters (like #, ?) MUST be encoded.

We also introduce a shorthand markdown syntax to cross reference easily:

If a string starts with @, and followed by a string enclosed by quotes ' or double quotes ", it will be treated as an item reference. The string inside "" or '' is the UID of the item. Here is one example:


Markdown processor MAY implement some algorithm to allow omit curly braces if ID is simple enough. For example, For reference like @"int", we may also want to allow @int.

When rendering references in Markdown, they will expand into a link with the item's name as link title. You can also customize the link title using the standard syntax of Markdown:

[Dictionary](xref:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2)<[String](xref:System.String), [String](xref:System.String)>

Will be rendered to: Dictionary<String, String>

Besides UID, we also allow referencing items using ID and alias, in the Markdown processor, the below algorithm SHOULD be implemented to resolve references.

Check whether the reference matches:

  1. Any identifier of current item's children.
  2. Any alias of current item's children.
  3. Any identifier of current item's silbings.
  4. Any alias of current item's silbings.
  5. A UID.
  6. A global alias.